Tackling the hidden carbon footprint in European retail and wholesale value chains


It’s high time for the Single Market to benefit all!
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Facts about Retail

Get a clearer picture of the value retailers contribute to the European economy, the diversity of their businesses, and the benefits they bring to Europe’s citizens.


Commerce for Ukraine

Retailers and wholesalers support the people of Ukraine


Wholesale at the Centre of Europe’s Economy

Discover the diverse roles of wholesalers across a wide range of sectors and the challenges they face.


EuroCommerce Manifesto 2024-2029

Delivering a dynamic Single Market and sustainable growth


Latest Releases

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EU Business Joint Declaration – Championing Open Trade for a Prosperous Future
08/07/2024Position paperPayments
EU businesses’ competitiveness impacted by current cards payments landscape – a call for urgent action
20/06/2024Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
New study reveals only 2% of retail and wholesale emissions are in sector’s direct control, while Scope 3 accounts for 98%
20/06/2024Reports and studiesEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
NET ZERO GAME CHANGER – Tackling the hidden carbon footprint in European retail and wholesale value chains
17/06/2024Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
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Joint EU employers’ statement on the revision of the European Works Councils Directive ahead of the Coreper meeting on 5 June 2024
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Turn words into action, make the Single Market work for all!

State of Grocery Retail 2024

Discover the 8 trends we identified for the grocery retail sector and read the report by EuroCommerce and McKinsey.


Sustainable Commerce

Retail and wholesale sectors lead the charge towards a sustainable future. Discover how our initiatives are transforming retail and wholesale across Europe.

Retail & Wholesale: an essential service

1 in 4 companies in the EU are SME retailers and wholesalers

Retail and Wholesale represents 10% of the EU’s GDP

We provide work to 26 million Europeans, so 1 in 7 of all jobs