The Healthy Workplaces Campaigns are vital to our efforts to raise awareness of occupational safety and health throughout Europe. The message of these campaigns is clear — ‘Safety and health at work is everyone’s concern. It’s good for you. It’s good for business.’
The campaigns are the largest of their kind in the world and each has a clearly defined theme — previous campaign topics range from promoting risk assessment and prevention to raising awareness of sustainable working and protecting workers from dangerous substances. The campaigns also have a particular focus on small and medium-sized enterprises and vulnerable groups of workers, ensuring that each campaign reaches those that need support the most.
A range of promotional and informational materials are produced for the campaigns and we also organise or support many awareness-raising events and initiatives. Highlights include good practice exchange events and the Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards, the European Week for Safety and Health at Work, the campaign summit and the Healthy Workplaces Film Award.
How do we get our campaign messages across to businesses? We rely on our extensive network of national focal points, official campaign partners, media partners, social partners and other intermediaries to promote the campaign and its materials and actively participate in events. In fact, productive collaboration with our network of partners is crucial for enabling real change at workplace level and underpins the success of the Healthy Workplaces Campaign initiative.
EuroCommerce is committed to promoting a safe and healthy work environment in the digital era. We aim to engage with the challenges and opportunities that stem from the digital transformation, leveraging the insights and best practices of our members at national, regional, and local levels.
While retailers and wholesalers are dedicated to raising awareness on pivotal issues associated with digitalisation in the workplace, our goal is to ensure that the many impacts of this transformation are approached with conscientious consideration and collaborative efforts. In doing so, retailers and wholesalers aim to promote the well-being in the workplace, recognising that a healthy work environment is paramount to fostering innovation and the competitiveness of our companies.
Visit the official project website:
EuroCommerce contact for EU-OSHA Campaign: Valeryia Despaihne