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20/06/2024Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
New study reveals only 2% of retail and wholesale emissions are in sector’s direct control, while Scope 3 accounts for 98%
20/06/2024Reports and studiesEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
NET ZERO GAME CHANGER – Tackling the hidden carbon footprint in European retail and wholesale value chains
17/06/2024Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
Joint letter: Competitiveness must be on the menu for EU leaders tonight
31/05/2024Position paperJobs & Skills
Joint EU employers’ statement on the revision of the European Works Councils Directive ahead of the Coreper meeting on 5 June 2024
27/05/2024Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Turn words into action, make the Single Market work for all!
23/05/2024Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Mondelez €337.5 million fine is a step forward for the Single Market
17/05/2024Position paperPayments
Surcharging helps consumers making an informed choice and stimulates competition
17/05/2024Public LettersEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy, Trade
EUDR information system not yet on track to meet requirements of properly functioning supply chains
17/05/2024Reports and studiesCompetitiveness & Single Market, Trade
Single Market Barriers Overview
15/05/2024Position paperTrade
CEPA coalition applauds constructive discussions at EU-Indonesia business roundtable