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18/05/2021Press releaseTaxation
The economy has been transformed – taxation needs to catch up
06/05/2021Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
e-Privacy Regulation: key articles to encourage use and innovation of digital services
05/05/2021Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Industrial strategy, competition and the single market must work together for recovery
05/05/2021Press releaseJobs & Skills
Minimum wage initiative lacks legal basis: it must respect the autonomous role of social partners in wage-setting as well as statutory minimum wages
30/04/2021Press releaseTaxation
EU Commissioner Gentiloni discusses recovery and digital taxation with retail leaders
30/04/2021Public LettersDigital, Technology & Payments
Measuring the impact on Strong Customer Authentication in Europe
29/04/2021Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Better regulation key to Europe’s competitiveness
27/04/2021Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Major European Hospitality industry stakeholders call for stronger focus by the EU institutions on the sector’s recovery
26/04/2021Press releaseTrade
Removing trade barriers vital for economic recovery
23/04/2021Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Retail and wholesale: pioneers in sustainable foods
23/04/2021Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Comments on Guidelines 02/2021 on Virtual Voice Assistants
22/04/2021Reports and studiesCompetitiveness & Single Market
Impact of COVID-19: «A tale of two cities…»