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12/02/2020Press releaseTrade
EU-Vietnam deal: a long time coming, but still good news for consumers
07/02/2020Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Retail and wholesale transforming fast to serve consumers’ changing needs
31/01/2020Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Consumers and retailers share a common interest – sustainable living and healthy competition for fair prices
28/01/2020Press releaseTaxation
OECD negotiators must now agree on how to modernise international taxation
12/12/2019Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Retail & Wholesale in new initiative to curb food waste
11/12/2019Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Retail & Wholesale underline need for cooperation with all to make a success of EU Green Deal
11/12/2019Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Retail Forum for Sustainability 10 years of cooperation
10/12/2019Press releaseTrade
Risk of return to law of the jungle in blocking WTO
27/11/2019Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
A new start for Europe, and need for new push for sustainable market solutions
12/11/2019Reports and studiesCompetitiveness & Single Market
This is Retail & Wholesale in Europe…
07/11/2019Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
EuroCommerce and the European Retail Round Table to join forces