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24/01/2024Position paperPayments
For retailers ‘cash’ is not always ‘king’
23/01/2024Position paperAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Joint statement – Stakeholders of all horizons stand ready for the strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture
15/01/2024Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
Paper on the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Directive
11/01/2024Position paperTrade
Joint industry coalition statement in support of the EU-Mercosur FTA
14/12/2023Position paperConsumer protection, Environment, Sustainability & Energy
Contribution to trialogue on repair
14/12/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Joint Industry Statement – EU packaging rules that work – Making the Single Market and sustainability go hand in hand
12/12/2023Position paperConsumer protection, Environment, Sustainability & Energy
Obligation to install detergent refill stations is risky for customers and imposes unjustified burdens on economic operators – Joint position
01/12/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
An obligation to indicate online a product passport linked to a specific batch number is impractical and unduly burdens economic operators
28/11/2023Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
30th anniversary of the Single Market
27/11/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Retail and Wholesale view on the proposal on Toy Safety Regulation
24/11/2023Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Joint open letter to co-legislators, calling for ‘close to zero fees’ to make digital euro remuneration work for consumers and merchants
21/11/2023Position paper
EuroCommerce’s response to the waste framework directive