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20/11/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Retail and Wholesale position on the revision on detergents and surfactants
09/11/2023Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
Proposal for a Late Payment Regulation – EuroCommerce views on the proposal and the Impact Assessment
08/11/2023Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
Proposal for a Late Payment Regulation: EuroCommerce views
20/10/2023Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
Product Liability Directive: European industry calls for a major rethink
16/10/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Views on the Commission proposal for a Directive on Green Claims
02/10/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Joint Statement on the Destruction of Unsold Goods
27/09/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Position paper on the Commission proposal for a Directive on Green Claims
26/09/2023Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
Retail Transition Pathway – Retailers and Wholesalers’ vision for a more resilient, digital and green future.
20/09/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
The Agri-Food Transition Pathway – The Retail & Wholesale Perspective
25/08/2023Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market, Payments
Tightening rules on payment terms will create a severe cashflow crisis for retail & wholesale
10/08/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
EuroCommerce on refill station obligation under the proposal for a Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation