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15/06/2021Press release
EuroCommerce elects Juan Manuel Morales as its new President
11/06/2021Press releaseTrade
Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovkis speaks on trade and recovery
11/06/2021Press releaseTrade
EU-U.S. Summit: A critical milestone for the global agenda
10/06/2021Press releaseConsumer protection
European Parliament competition report right to call for action to protect consumers
07/06/2021Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
World Food Safety Day: EU Agri-food chain’s commitment to safe food now for a healthy tomorrow
03/06/2021Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Wholesale Day 2021 – lifting the veil on a vital part of the economy
21/05/2021Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Unfair Trading Practices – over-implementation won’t help farmers
21/05/2021Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Coca-Cola investigation another pointer to harmful practices by large food manufacturers
18/05/2021Press releaseTaxation
The economy has been transformed – taxation needs to catch up
05/05/2021Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Industrial strategy, competition and the single market must work together for recovery
05/05/2021Press releaseJobs & Skills
Minimum wage initiative lacks legal basis: it must respect the autonomous role of social partners in wage-setting as well as statutory minimum wages
30/04/2021Press releaseTaxation
EU Commissioner Gentiloni discusses recovery and digital taxation with retail leaders