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23/02/2021Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Retail and Wholesale – an industry vital to Europe’s recovery and resilience
18/02/2021Press releaseTrade
EU Trade Policy: Open markets essential for post-COVID recovery
17/02/2021Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Keep Europe safe, but keep goods flowing
09/02/2021Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Circularity by design – the best path to sustainable consumption
29/01/2021Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Retailers and wholesalers welcome further Commission action on territorial supply constraints
28/01/2021Press releaseJobs & Skills
Strengthening sectoral social dialogue in the services industry: The all-important role of social partners in building a resilient Europe
26/01/2021Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Retailers and wholesalers working hard for sustainability, ready to work with all in a code of conduct
17/12/2020Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Creating a forward-looking approach to the Circular Economy
17/12/2020Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Creating a forward-looking approach to the Circular Economy
15/12/2020Press releaseDigital, Technology & Payments
With omnichannel the new reality, rules need to foster competitive EU ecosystems
11/12/2020Press releaseConsumer protection
A properly working single market for sourcing consumer products would save consumers €14 billion
07/12/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Benefit of Interchange Fee Regulation now nullified by fee increases