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02/12/2020Press releaseJobs & Skills
New skills and new ways of working crucial for future resilience
01/12/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Geoblocking – sensible to keep unchanged for now
25/11/2020Press releaseJobs & Skills
Diverse and adaptable forms of work are essential to Europe’s recovery
25/11/2020Press releaseDigital, Technology & Payments
Retailers and wholesalers need competitive, secure data spaces to drive digital growth
19/11/2020Press releaseConsumer protection
High time for Europe’s consumers to benefit from the single market
17/11/2020Press releaseJobs & Skills
EuroCommerce now official partner of European campaign on health and safety
13/11/2020Press releaseConsumer protection
Stronger consumer engagement helps drive the green and digital transition – Retailers will make it happen
28/10/2020Press releaseJobs & Skills
EU rules on minimum wages not the right answer
28/10/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
‘Single window’ a real step forward to simplifying customs procedures
16/10/2020Press releaseConsumer protection
NRF and EuroCommerce agree to reinforce cooperation on data flows and privacy, successor to EU-U.S. Privacy Shield
16/10/2020Press releaseJobs & Skills
The social dimension of A European Pact for Commerce: Recovery priorities for the retail and wholesale ecosystem
01/10/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Joint Statement: Europe needs predictable and harmonised approaches to travel rules under COVID