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14/07/2023Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
EuroCommerce and BEUC are raising awareness towards consumers to save energy costs
13/07/2023Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Statement on Commission announcement regarding AgeCore and Coopernic
12/07/2023Press releaseEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Retail and wholesale welcome Parliament mandate on Eco-design
11/07/2023Press releaseDigital, Technology & Payments
EuroCommerce and NRF Welcome Adoption of Adequacy Decision for Transatlantic Data Privacy Framework
05/07/2023Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health, Environment, Sustainability & Energy
Retailers and wholesalers weigh in on waste framework directive: Request harmonisation for textiles and action by everyone linked to food waste
05/07/2023Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Rule of law in the EU is a key asset for investment protection and competition
04/07/2023Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Revised EU rules confirm the value of retail and wholesale alliances
28/06/2023Press releaseDigital, Technology & Payments, Payments
Digital Euro: Retailers and wholesalers generally supportive but have crucial concerns
08/06/2023Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market, Environment, Sustainability & Energy
Calling Applicants for the Future of Commerce Awards
07/06/2023Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market, Jobs & Skills
Pay Transparency Directive requires implementation that is mindful of regulatory burden
06/06/2023Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Commission indicator confirms barriers to retail in EU remain extremely high
01/06/2023Press releaseConsumer protection, Environment, Sustainability & Energy
Due diligence: Retailers and wholesalers highlight need for further improvements during trilogues