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07/06/2022Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
World Food Safety Day: EU Agri-food chain’s commitment to safer food for better health
28/04/2022Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Retail and wholesale fully committed to sustainable food – but need flexibility for finding best solutions
19/04/2022Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Food supply chain – Working together to ensure reliable food supplies for Europe
23/03/2022Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Food security: 4 actions for policymakers
15/03/2022Position paperAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Imports of agricultural and food products – Applying EU health and environmental standards – Call for Evidence
03/11/2021Position paperAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Making Retail and Wholesale part of the solution to fight food waste
19/10/2021Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Retailers and wholesalers working for sustainable food supply chain
23/09/2021Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
EU Organic Day – Retailers and wholesalers linking supply with demand
22/09/2021Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Commissioner Wojciechowski speaks to retailers & wholesalers on agriculture of the future
09/09/2021Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Farm to Fork – sustainable food needs commitment of everyone in the supply chain
05/07/2021Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Retailers and wholesalers sign Farm-to-Fork Code of Conduct
07/06/2021Press releaseAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
World Food Safety Day: EU Agri-food chain’s commitment to safe food now for a healthy tomorrow