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03/07/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Retailers cautiously welcome the new European payment initiative
29/06/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Commission report fails to address major loopholes in payment card fees regulation
17/06/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
COVID: Europe needs a coherent, responsible approach to free movement of people
10/06/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
German Economics Minister Peter Altmaier discusses priorities with EuroCommerce
27/05/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Recovery after COVID needs retail and wholesale as driver of economic revival
14/05/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Retailers and wholesalers call for urgent amendment of card fees regulation
13/05/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Retail alliances: Balancing negotiating power in the supply chain
08/05/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Europe – at 70, needed more than ever
22/04/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
COVID-19 crisis: we need a strong Europe – Statement ahead of the EU heads of state and government video call
15/04/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Need for COVID exit plans across Europe
10/04/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Action needed urgently on rents for closed shops and a post-crisis recovery strategy
18/03/2020Press releaseCompetitiveness & Single Market
Coronavirus: Non-food retailers face major crisis